NEOGAGE version 2.3.4
9 December, 2022

We are pleased to announce the new version of NEOGAGE 2.3.4 has been already released.
From now on, the users of the Metrology module are able to perform group tasks on Device sets (e.g. calibration or inspection). We are convinced that this functionality will facilitate and speed up the process of equipment maintenance.
The modification that will certainly not escape your notice is the addition of metrics to the Statistics in the Machine Control module: MTBF, MTTR, MTR. Each of them has a separate function, but they all aim to help measure progress within improving machine utilization and maximizing maintenance operations. As for the other modifications included in this module, it’s also worth to mention that we have improved the mechanism for closing orders converted from machine failure reports, and added a filtering option to the maintenance schedule.
If you are curious about what else has changed in the new version, feel free to contact us. We will be more than happy to provide more information and tell you about the new features: or [email protected]